said i saw the armies marchin strong a long way
and i saw them marchin towards my home i'm alone now
oh no more speak no more sleep no more we shall not
and i saw a burning city of gold
then i saw it falling to the sea
any love that ever caught her eye surprise
they were only lost and hypnotized in time
oh no more speak no more sleep no more we shall not
then i saw a burning city of gold
then i saw it falling to the sea
and we all turn to stone
and we all turn to stone
and we all turn to stone
and we all turn to stone
and i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand ay-ee-ay
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand ay-ee-ay
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand in your way
i stand
Note: Yes, I had to know exactly how many lines there were at the end. That's 17 “i stand in your way”s and 2 “i stand ay-ee-ay”s. Just so you know. – AndCod